After-school STEAM Learning with pick-up

  • Why free play when your kids can learn new knowledge after school?
  • We provide pick-up services at nearby elementary schools for students who register for our after-school STEAM learning program.
  • Kids will learn Coding, Robotics, Computer Literacy, and Digital Arts and get Academic support (extra practice, homework help) in Math, Science and reading.
  • Several schools that we serve: Charles Dickens Elementary School, Tyee Elementary School, Dickens Annex, for other schools please contact us for more detail.

    Pick up Inquiry from Elementary Schools

    Please complete the form below and we will get back to you shortly.

    1. Parent's Name

    2. Student's Name

    3. Student's grade

    4. Elementary school

    5. Phone Number

    6. Email

    7. How do you know about us?

    8. Additional Note

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